What is Jack and Jill of America Foundation?

The purpose of the Foundation, as stated in the Certificate of Incorporation, is “to carry on educational, literary, scientific and charitable projects, or any one of them individually by the application of assets to the use of Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Incorporated.
Relationship to the mother body of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated members shall always be in the majority on the Board of Trustees of the Foundation. A biennial report is made to chapters at the National Convention from the President of the Board of Trustees. A financial accounting of the receipts of the Foundation is included in the report.
The Foundation has adopted Impact Philanthropy as a framework for giving, we are changing our narrative from charity to investment.
Responsibility of chapters
The support of the Foundation is the responsibility of the chapters of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. We must uplift and support our own.
Since its inception JJOA supported several nonprofit organizations.
Such as:
- The NAACP Freedom Fund
- The National Association of Mental Health
- The Urban League
- The United Negro College Fund
- The 1st JJOA National Service Project was, The Research for Rheumatic Fever, in 1947.
- At the 17thNational Convention, in 1966, the attendees decided to establish a charitable foundation exclusive to Jack and Jill within two years.
- The philanthropic arm of JJOA, our Jack and Jill Foundation was incorporated in 1968, in Chicago, Illinois.
- Jack and Jill Foundation is a 501(c)(3)